We talk to Dr Niamh McVerry about the cutting-edge new acne treatment available exclusively at doctor-led Beacon Face and Dermatology in Sandyford, Co Dublin …
Acne is an incredibly common skin issue – the second most common skin condition in Ireland – and one that can have far-reaching effect on a person’s confidence and sense of wellbeing. Though most common in teenage years, it can persist into adulthood, or even appear for the first time in later life. Traditional treatment methods vary from topicals to medication, but if you’re one of many struggling with acne and looking at possible options here’s a new one to consider.
Beacon Face and Dermatology was chosen as the first clinic in Ireland to offer AviClear and is currently the exclusive practitioner of this treatment nationwide, recognised as a centre of excellence by Cutera, the makers of AviClear. “We are now eight months into treating acne with AviClear. Our experience has given us a great understanding of the device and how different people take to the treatment. Results so far have been life-changing for our patients,” says Dr Niamh McVerry, consulting doctor for AviClear at Beacon Face and Dermatology.
“As a trusted GP-led clinic where doctors and therapists work together to help patients achieve their goals, Beacon Face and Dermatology is proud to have been selected as the first clinic in Ireland to bring AviClear to patients.”
“AviClear is an FDA-cleared laser energy device that treats all severities of acne,” explains Dr McVerry. “The treatment is a local one: it works from the inside out as the laser targets the sebaceous gland, suppressing it, which results in reduced production of oil. The overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands is one of the leading causes of acne.”
Dr McVerry is both a practicing GP and aesthetic doctor. Between both disciplines, she offers a wealth of experience to help patients take a well-rounded approach to treating their acne through a combination of treatment, skincare and follow-up care. Beacon Face and Dermatology’s therapists have a combined 35 years of experience and they work closely with Dr McVerry in treating patients with AviClear, taking pride in helping every individual patient to accomplish their skin goals.

What does AviClear treatment involve? “Treatment of acne with AviClear consists of three sessions, one month apart, each one lasting 30 minutes. It is a targeted laser delivered via a handpiece placed on the concerned area of skin. AviClear does not require anaesthetic and has no downtime, meaning patients can get on with their normal life as they treat their acne. Feedback from the clinic’s patients has ranked the treatment as approximately a ‘four out of ten’ in terms of discomfort, likening the sensation to the snap of an elastic band.”
And the road does not need to end at treating acne alone. “We always like to adopt a dual approach that encompasses both treatment and maintenance at Beacon Face and Dermatology. What this means for acne patients is that treatment with AviClear can be followed up to prevent further concerns such as scarring or redness, using devices such as Secret RF or Laser Genesis, which allows each of our patients to finish their journey feeling the best version of themselves,” says Dr McVerry.

Before treatment
How soon will I see results? “Results will vary from patient to patient, with some seeing immediate results, while others may experience a purge before seeing improvement in the skin. This is all normal and to be expected when starting new treatments. Patients must complete the full course of three sessions and can expect to see results following completion of the course,” says Dr McVerry.
She outlines the test results: in a clinical study of 104 patients who received a series of three AviClear treatments, it was observed that 80 per cent had at least half of their acne resolved three months after their final treatment. At six and twelve months after the final treatment, this figure rose to 87 per cent and 92 per cent, respectively.
“It is important for potential patients to note that AviClear does not treat production of hormones, so hormonal breakouts may still occur,” adds Dr McVerry. “We do our very best to equip our patients to deal with this should it occur.”

During treatment (while experiencing a purge)
AviClear at Beacon Face and Dermatology is suitable for all ages, from teenagers to adult patients with mild, moderate or severe acne. Dr McVerry describes it as the ideal treatment for patients seeking a local, targeted method to treat the condition from the inside out, without lengthy courses of medication. “This treatment is an investment that, compared to other means of treatment, often involves fewer appointments and has a shorter treatment time than months of medication,” notes Dr McVerry. “Further to that, our patients have reported a positive impact on their mental health, given the results of AviClear”.

5 months after treatment
Book an AviClear consultation (€250) online here; call 01 213 6220 or email
Quote THE GLOSS on booking to receive €100 off an initial AviClear consultation.
Beacon Face and Dermatology, Beacon Hall, Beacon Court, Sandyford, Co Dublin, D18; www.beaconfaceanddermatology.