From relaxing with family and friends to catching up on reading, here’s how THE GLOSS Editors spend Twixmas …

Síomha Connolly, Deputy Editor
When the busyness of the pre-Christmas period is over, the only plans I make for those long, slow days that stretch out ahead until the New Year are what books I’m going to read by the fire with the Christmas tree lights twinkling, and a box of chocolates within easy reach. This year’s pile includes Miranda July’s All Fours, Elizabeth Strout’s Tell Me Everything and Claire Lombardo’s Same As It Ever Was. @siomhac
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Sarah Halliwell, Beauty Editor
Throughout the Christmas break, my favourite thing to do is to keep playing tennis. Even though it can be chilly, it makes you feel so much better to step away from the cheeseboard into the fresh air. It’s also lovely to have time to get out into Wicklow and walk, and to catch up on reading the teetering pile of shame by my bedside – though I’m already adding new ones to it, including Naked Portrait: A Memoir of Lucian Freud, by one of his daughters, Rose Boyt, and a biography of Lee Miller. @sarahhalliwellbeauty

Penny McCormick, Contributing Editor
Twixmas is one of my favourite times of the year. The fridge is stocked, so there’s no need to go shopping (bliss!) and there are lots of lovely leftovers to enjoy at odd hours of the day or night. My usual routine goes a little haywire due to late night reading or bingeing on nostalgic films (favourites include Out of Africa for a good cry and Love Story for Ali MacGraw’s Christmas wardrobe). When I can tear myself away from the fireside, I love to try out new recipes. I was gifted Mark Moriarty’s Season and it has some great ideas. My favourite thing, though, is to get bundled up and take our dog for walks around Hillsborough Forest Park to see the swans. @pennymccormicked
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Rachel Healy, Digital Editor
I love the break between Christmas and New Year as it’s a perfect excuse to do the bare minimum. Most days throughout the year are filled with activities to entertain the kids and their boundless energy, but during Twixmas the cousins from both sides of the family take over parental duties, so we can finally relax! The teenagers braid the girls’ hair, bring the smaller kids to the playground or for ice cream (apparently, it’s never too cold for a massive cone that will end up all over their face), while the whole lot play video games or even put on impromtu ‘shows’ with unchoreographed dance moves and shrill ‘singing/shouting’ into microphones we already regret buying. Blame Santa and those mischievous Elf On The Shelf!

Amy McDonnell, Assistant Digital Editor
The days that follow Christmas mean total relaxation at home. St. Stephen’s Day is when the new series start and the films we watch every year come out again … some on DVD! The menu? TOT – “Turkey On Toast” as my Dad has coined it, but my sister and I prefer Christmas dinner sandwiches with all the trimmings. The sweet tubs come out and a ranking of our favourite Quality Streets may also come into the equation. A hike in Ticknock makes us feel like we deserve our second Christmas dinner and a cosy coffee with grandparents is a perfect moment slotted into Twixmas before the New Year’s celebrations with friends begin. This year at Parilla in Ranelagh. @amymc_art
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Patricia Marinho, Art Director
The best part is the quiet time before New Year’s. I usually stay in a cozy cabin in the woods, writing down my goals and travel plans for the next year. That said, I do love a good party on New Year’s Eve, and I look forward every year to a stunning masquerade ball held in a beautiful cathedral in Truro. What a way to start the year! @patriciamarinhoart
SEE MORE: THE GLOSS Editors’ Favourite Traditions At Christmas Time