Designer Niamh Barry talks candidly about family, design, happiness and the future …
Your favourite virtue Empathy.
Your favourite qualities in a man A sense of humour is at the top of a long list.
Your favourite qualities in a woman Loyalty and discretion. If you find that in a female friend, it’s a beautiful thing.
Your chief characteristics Impatient. Driven. Kind.
What you appreciate the most in your friends Humour and a sense of fun; curiosity and open-mindedness; they lead to good conversation.
Your main fault Impatience.

Your favourite occupations, other than work Sleeping. Day dreaming.
Your idea of happiness Spending precious time with Killian, and our two girls Katie and Ella.
Your idea of misery No sleep.
If not yourself, who would you be? I don’t want to be anyone else.
Your current state of mind Busy but happy.
Describe your talent Everyone has talent, but I’m just lucky because I figured out my talent and I enjoy doing what I do. I believe that what really separates talent from success is hard work and application. There may be some degree of luck, but it’s mainly hard work.
How do you get ideas? When I am falling asleep, inspiration often strikes. I have a notebook beside my bed so I remember.
Whose work inspires you? A French couple, Les Lalannes, the French artist team of François-Xavier Lalanne (1927–2008) and Claude Lalanne (1924–2019), who created astounding, provocative sculptural metal work – furniture and jewellery.
Your favourite colours Yellow, and white.
The material you most like working with Bronze.
Your favourite flower I am not a huge fan of cut flowers. I have two white hydrangeas in my garden that give me joy. And there’s a tree outside my bedroom window where I put a bird feeder, and I look at the birds (from my bed).

Which talent would you most like to possess? I’d love to be able to sing well.
Your favourite authors None.
Your favourite artist This changes depending on how I feel, and what I am doing. At the moment, it’s Mondrian because I saw a piece in the Peggy Guggenheim in Venice that I loved.
Your idea of good design When something performs aesthetically and functions well; the combination is key, and it applies to furniture, lighting, fashion and interiors.
Your idea of good taste I do not know what good taste is. Is there such a thing? I think each to their own. I can love a highly flamboyant, deeply layered interior, which reflects years of collecting lovely things, and I can also love a minimalist space. The critical thing is that when things are considered, they work.
The country where I should like to live Only ever Ireland. It’s a privilege to be able to travel but I always love coming back.
I look to the road ahead with … excitement for my new venture and the amazing, challenging projects I am working on in my studio. And to switching off for a time over the holidays.