From celebrating with family and friends to watching our favourite Christmas films, here’s how THE GLOSS Editors spend Christmas Eve …

Síomha Connolly, Deputy Editor
This means finding a cosy perch in a pub in town, with friends and family coming and going for a drink as those less organised (I will name no names!) dip out to pick up last minute gifts. The evening is spent at a friend’s annual party, which I look forward to every year, with Santa phoning at 6pm sharp to speak to all kids present before he sets off from the North Pole, and the magic continues for another year. @siomhac
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Penny McCormick, Contributing Editor
It’s all about Mum on the Christmas Eve as it’s her birthday. I usually take her out for coffee and/or lunch before starting on the Christmas lunch preparations (making stuffing, prepping veg and assembling a trifle, etc). In the evening, it’s a ritual to watch Carols from King’s (College, Cambridge) before unwrapping a couple of small presents. This year, Jamie our dog got an advent calendar for pets and has loved it (he reminds me daily!), so he’ll open that in the evening. @pennymccormicked
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Sarah Macken, Contributing Editor
We started a new tradition a few years ago on Christmas Eve when we order a completely bougie charcuterie box and pop some (very good) champagne we’ve kept chilled, eagerly awaiting a special occasion. It’s not that ostentatious, but it’s something we save for this time of year, so it always feels particularly indulgent. @ohegartysarah
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The elves in a ‘booby trap’!
Rachel Healy, Digital Editor
I like to think I’m quite organised with my Christmas shopping, especially to guarantee nabbing children’s gifts that inevitably sell out close to the big day, but for some reason I tend to leave present wrapping until Christmas Eve. It’s an annoying procrastination trap I seem to fall into every year, but it also allows me some ‘quiet time’ to actually shut the door and wrap in peace. I’ve particularly enjoyed the social media trend of parents – especially mums – using this time as an excuse to relax, which I must put into play next year …
As soon as it gets dark we settle in for the most magical night of the year, normally with a few family VR games and a festive flick like Elf, which my kids love (although I think we adults get more of the jokes). Then we leave the obligatory cookies, milk and carrots out for Santa and the reindeer, and it’s the only time of the year when we don’t have to fight to get the kids to bed early. Luckily, the elves disappear back to the North Pole with the big man as they get cheekier every year!
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Amy McDonnell, Assistant Digital Editor
Christmas Eve and the days that lead up to Christmas mean gathering with friends and family for annual dinners, in the local pub, or for a hike and a Christmas sandwich. The big build up to the festive season is felt, people have come home from far and wide, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief at the end of the year – with a few pints and cheers. @amymc_art
Patricia Marinho, Art Director
I love spending Christmas in Cornwall, England. Some of my favourite moments are the evenings playing board games and watching silly Christmas movies by the fire — Edward Scissorhands is always my must-watch. I also enjoy peaceful morning walks the next day to take in the beautiful Cornish landscape. @patriciamarinhoart