Salted, Spiced Clementines for Christmas - The Gloss Magazine

Salted, Spiced Clementines for Christmas

Salted, spiced Clementines

A take on Moroccan preserved lemons and excellent with salty baked ham or cold turkey and stuffing.

For one large jar
25 minutes preparation
1 month resting

500g clementines
Coarse salt – about 250g
Bay leaves, peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, star anise
150ml lemon juice

Scrub the clementines carefully, then make large crosses in their bases, being careful to keep the fruit intact.

Put two or three teaspoons of coarse sea salt in each fruit then put them one after another into a large, sterilised glass jar.

As you are filling the jar, add salt and spices between the layers of fruit. Once full, pour the lemon juice over the clementines and add cold water until they are completely submerged.

Close the jar tightly and leave to rest in a cool, dark place for at least a month. They’ll be perfect for Christmas.


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