Trish Deseine's Pulled Pork with Molasses Sugar and Gomasio - The Gloss Magazine

Trish Deseine’s Pulled Pork with Molasses Sugar and Gomasio

When pulled pork was officially labelled an outdated fad last week, all that made me want to do was eat it again! If you want to join me in supporting poor old over the hill pulled pork, here is the only recipe you will ever need.

The sesame seeds add a welcome crunch to all that soft meat. Fill a blaa or a soft roll with it, or have it simply with some leaves on the side.

For 4
1 hour chilling
4 hours cooking

1 boneless shoulder of pork of around 2kg
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons black pepper
1 tablespoon molasses or dark muscovado sugar
2 teaspoons smoked paprika
2 teaspoons salt
200ml cider

For the gomasio:
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
½ tablespoon sea salt flakes
1 teaspoon ground pepper

Mix all the dry ingredients together and rub them liberally over the entire surface of the pork. Cover in cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for an hour or so.

Heat the oven to 150°C.

Put the pork into a heavy oven proof dish with a lid, pour the cider around it, cover and cook for at least four hours, until the meat is falling apart. Check on it from time to time to make sure the pot is not drying out, you can add water or more cider if so.

Once cooked, shred or pull pieces off the piece of meat, mix the gomasio ingredients together and sprinkle over before serving with some of the cooking liquor.

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