This Recipe For Roast Chicken With 40 Garlic Cloves Is A Must-Try - The Gloss Magazine

This Recipe For Roast Chicken With 40 Garlic Cloves Is A Must-Try

Whether you’re looking for a recipe for your Valentine, or are looking for a new way to enjoy a classic – this chicken with 40 garlic cloves is an epic recipe, and will impress any romantic interests, even despite the large quantities of garlic…

A short month, but one full of pancake flipping and romantic gestures. In France we get two pancake days, the Easter-linked Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras, and Le Chandeleur (Candlemas) on 2 February. Even if there’s lots of fun to be had en famille in the kitchen this February, my recipes are definitely more for grown-ups. For garlic-loving Valentines, what could be more romantic than my decidedly anti-social chicken with forty garlic cloves, keeping the outside world (and vampires) at bay. @trishdeseineencore @neffhomeie


This is one of the first recipes I used to cook when I set up home in France, and still a fi rm favourite around my table. I use my NEFF oven CircoTherm function with top grill, it is perfect for roast chicken.

For 6
5 minutes preparation
1 hour 30 minutes cooking

2 or 3 heads of garlic
Olive oil
A good quality free-range chicken
Salt and pepper
Fresh baguette for garlic clove crushing and mopping up of juices!

Undo the garlic cloves, but don’t peel them. Heat the oven to 180°C using NEFF CircoTherm or fan. In a large, heavy-based casserole dish, heat the olive oil and brown the chicken on all sides.
Throw in the garlic cloves and add about a glass and a half of water. Scrape all the sticky delicious bits from the surface of the pot. Add a little salt, pop on the lid, and cook in the oven for about 1 hour 15 or 30 minutes, according to the size of your bird.
Serve with a crisp fresh salad and some crunchy baguette drizzled with extra olive oil. Crush the poached garlic cloves onto it and eat with the chicken.

Trish’s table settings feature Stable of Ireland napkins and tablecloth, serving ware from Nicholas Mosse and  Newbridge Silverware Bead Cutlery. The shoot also features a painterly herringbone throw and a Donegal tweed cushion from Magee 1866 and Foxford Home.

Photography by @franckschmitt_photographe.


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