The Perfect Parisian Crêpes Suzettes To Make This Week - The Gloss Magazine

The Perfect Parisian Crêpes Suzettes To Make This Week

Boozy and orange-y, they are perfect for adults ! *

February is a short month, but one full of pancake flipping and romantic gestures. In France we get two pancake days, the Easter-linked Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras, and Le Chandeleur (Candlemas) on February 2. Even if there’s lots of fun to be had en famille in the kitchen, this recipe is definitely more for grown-ups. I’ve given you a classic, boozy Crêpes Suzettes. I love that my NEFF oven heats so quickly, there’s no hanging around when you have decided to get cooking, and it gives me great results when I want a light, fluffy texture.  @trishdeseineencore @neffhomeie


Nothing beats having these cooked tableside in an oldschool Parisian restaurant, but in the meantime, have a go at home!

For 6
25 minutes preparation
25 minutes cooking


For the crêpe batter
125g plain flour
3 eggs
2 tbsp sunflower oil
75g salted butter (melted)
3 tbsp sugar
350ml full-fat milk

For the orange sauce
100g salted butter
100g sugar
8 tbsp Grand Marnier or Cointreau
3 tbsp brandy
Zest and juice of 1 orange
50g butter (for cooking)


For the crêpe batter
Sift the flour into a bowl and make a well in the centre.
Add all the other batter ingredients and stir well with a whisk, working out any lumps that form. Let the batter rest in the fridge for a good hour.

For the orange sauce
Put the butter in a small saucepan, add the sugar, 2 tbsp Grand Marnier or Cointreau and 1 tbsp brandy, and the orange zest and juice. Bring to the boil, stirring continuously, then cook briskly until the sauce thickens.

For the crêpes
Heat a little of the butter in a crêpe pan.
Ladle a little crêpe batter into the centre, tilting the pan so that the batter covers the surface thinly and evenly.
Cook for about 20 seconds, then flip the crêpe over and cook for a further 20 seconds until it is golden brown.
Slide it out of the pan onto a warmed plate and keep warm as you make the rest, melting a little butter in the pan
for each one.
To serve, pour the sauce into a frying pan over a low heat.
Put the crêpes in the sauce one at a time, folding them once, and then again, to make little triangles.
Spoon the sauce over the crêpes to make sure they are all soaked with sauce.
Warm the remaining Grand Marnier and brandy in a small saucepan. At the table, pour it over the crepes in the pan,
ignite for a magnificent flambée, and serve.

Trish’s table settings feature Stable of Ireland napkins and tablecloth, serving ware from Nicholas Mosse and  Newbridge Silverware Bead Cutlery. The shoot also features a painterly herringbone throw and a Donegal tweed cushion from Magee 1866 and Foxford Home.

Photography by @franckschmitt_photographe.


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