Planning Lunch in the Garden This Weekend? Two Recipes to Try - The Gloss Magazine

Planning Lunch in the Garden This Weekend? Two Recipes to Try

Impress your guests with this roast marinaded salmon dish followed by simple panacotta raspberry jellies …

Roast marinaded salmon with sushi rice, black vinegar & muscovado glaze, lime & smashed wasabi peas

Sitting somewhere, flavour wise, between the poached salmon salads of my childhood, and sushi, I imagined this well-behaved summery dish as an easy go-to for larger gatherings. The fermented black vinegar gives the whole thing deliciously funky notes, and the wasabi peas some welcome crunch and heat. Serve with leaves or green beans on the side.

For 6-8
6 hours marinading

800g salmon fillet, skin on
4 tablespoons Chinese black vinegar
4 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon dark muscovado or molasses sugar
1 teaspoon ground black pepper

500g sushi rice
4 tablespoons rice vinegar
½ tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt

8-10 radishes, thinly sliced
8-10 cherry tomatoes, halved
1 small red onion, finey chopped
Handful wasabi peas, crushed
Limes to garnish

Whisk the marinade ingredients together to dissolve the sugar. Place the salmon in a low, flat dish and pour in the marinade. Douse it well all over, then leave to rest, skin side up, for at least six hours, preferably overnight.

Cook the sushi rice (from cold, in equal volume of water to rice) whisk the rice vinegar, sugar and salt together and mix through the warm rice. (You coud also add toasted sesame seeds or nigella seeds at this stage.) Leave to cool and then chill in the fridge.

Heat the oven to 180°C. Remove the fish from the marinade and pat dry. Pour the marinade into a saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes to reduce and thicken. Cool and reserve.

Roast for about 20 minutes, until the surface is slighty caramelised and the inside tender and pink. Leave to cool.

To serve, break the salmon into chunks and set on the cooled rice. Garnish with the radishes, tomatoes, peas and lime and serve the vinegar/soy sauce alongside.

Simple panna cotta raspberry jellies

A quick, easy and very pretty alternative to trifle! Add a dash of Kirsch or raspberry liqueur to make it slighty more grown-up and serve with buttery biscuits or amaretti.

For 6
20 minutes preparation
4 hours chilling

1 packet raspberry jelly
150g fresh raspberries
500ml fresh single cream
1 sachet powdered gelatine (15g)
1 vanilla pod
3 tablespoons sugar
Silver balls and sugared almonds to decorate

Make up the jelly according to instructions. Pour into 6 stemmed wine glasses. Add the raspberries to the jelly and leave to set for a couple of hours in the fridge.

Heat the cream in a saucepan with the vanilla pod. Bring to the boil and simmer very gently for a minute or two. Leave to cool for a few minutes with the vanilla infusing. Scrape out the seeds from the pod and stir into the cream with the sugar.

Prepare the gelatine by dissolving and then leaving to thicken in 3 tablespoons cold water. Add to the hot cream and stir through. Leave to cool and then chill for an hour before pouring onto the set jellies.

Leave to chill and set completely before decorating with the silver balls and serving.


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