Having been in quarantine since early March, the Italians know a thing or two about social distancing and being apart from loved ones. Here, transformational coach Patrizia Bortolin and intuitive therapist and spiritual shaman Stefano Battaglia, share their thoughts and tips from the spectacular mountains of South Tyrol.

Patrizia Bortolin
A transformational coach with myriad qualifications and experience, Bortolin is Spa Director at Preidlhof. Growing up with numerous health issues including pneumonia and asthma, she believes that these experiences helped determine her path in life and have brought her to the happy place she is at today.
“I work on a joyful attitude to life but am deeply touched by the psychological and emotional frailty of many, many people who now find themselves in a situation they can’t tolerate because they are already weakened by their challenging lives. I’m experiencing a precious moment where years of inner work, meditation, natural recovery methods and self-discovery have given me a great sense of feeling centred, calm and generally optimistic about the future. I admit living in this natural paradise of Preidlhof helps too.”
Two months on, Bortolin’s deepest certainties are: food is medicine; touch is medicine; spirituality is medicine; and our freedom is to be protected and cherished. “Fear of dying, digital addiction and loneliness are danger triggers,” she warns, adding “trauma healing, transformational wellness, forest bathing, colour and sound and breathing hold the keys to loving life and nature. And learn to open your heart, as Madonna was singing in the 1980s,” she adds laughing.
This optimistic healer believes that these months have offered us the possibility to awaken in a very personal way – one that is unique to each person. “We may be more vigilant about caring for the environment, realising now that we are the weaker ones, not nature. Hopefully we may be more gentle with ourselves too and with other generations and finally start listening to our own inner voice, instead of the crowd. We are more aware of the passing time now as days seem longer with each day carrying much mystery and surprise as the poetry of life is enhanced more than ever before.”
To make the most of her own day, she practises advanced yoga nidra, mindfulness and meditation first thing each morning. “I have also improved my cooking skills, conjuring up new plant-based recipes, while also cherishing conversations from afar with friends, guests and former colleagues from all over the world as we share love and perspectives.”
As all that once seemed safe and stable in our lives has changed this lockdown helps us realise that living in a new way, free from compromise is possible, and that a healthy dose of resilience, love and mental strength are as important as being physically healthy. Take advantage of these last weeks, is her advice, as time is passing very quickly. “It’s about opening our hearts, this is the key to living a happy, more joyful life.”

Stefano Battaglia
This Italian Shaman (as he is fondly called) is on a mission to unleash the joy in his clients. With a profound knowledge of the emotional language of the body, Battaglia combines numerous qualifications and years of study with some of the world’s most renowned masters and meditators in one unique transformational package.
“The thing that I miss is playing outdoors, but I know that playfulness is a state of being that permeates most parts of my daily life. Although this critical situation can make us question ourselves and our approach to life, I try to stick with my usual daily practices.”
Battaglia believes that this potentially deadly virus has left many of us in a state of hypervigilance, where we constantly feel in danger and unable to fight or flee. That’s why a more cohesive, sensitive and loving attitude is very much needed now, to achieve a deeper regulation between body and mind. “Now is the time to engage in games in a childlike fashion, to move towards being able to appreciate the beauty of the present moment,” he says. “Try to uncover pockets of joy and stillness within you. This way, we might further improve our immune system and gain a broader understanding of life’s hardships for all living beings, thereby nurturing more compassion and grounded joy.”
Tips for living your best life during lockdown
- Explore a path to falling in love with yourself and finding your deep inner point of balance, before sharing/teaching and inspiring others.
- Journal for a few minutes every day: keep your journal beside your bed and every morning simply write three things you are grateful for and three that could make your day amazing; every evening note three amazing things that happened during the day and how you could have made it better. Stick with this as it takes a few weeks to really feel the benefits.
- Be ritualistic about your morning routine.
- Eat slowly and chew your food well (over 50 times if possible). Use this time to nourish both body and mind.
- Use essential oils: lemon and orange during the day helps keep the frequency high, adding drops of cinnamon for an added energy burst; lavender for healing and lifting the heart in the evening.
- Surround yourself with red and orange, both in what you wear and your surroundings. Enjoy a bath with natural coloured water and connect with the energy of the chosen colour. (Bortolin is a qualified Colour Ambassador)
- Try to manage your digital addiction by limiting phone and television time.
- Be kind to yourself, massage your skin (there are lots of great tutorials online) and practice daily meditation.
- Discover new angles of your personality through tests like: www.viacharacter.org or the Myers Briggs www.myersbriggs.org
- Watch inspiring movies. Battaglia’s favourites include La Belle Verte, Contact, the science fiction drama directed by Robert Zemeckis and The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, based on the life of gymnast and author Dan Millman.
- Finally, PLAY PLAY PLAY and don’t take yourself too seriously!
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