A recent study showed that people who regularly walk their dog have improved mobility, fewer falls and a host of other benefits, as these stylish devotees demonstrate …
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Dog lovers can attest to the rush of endorphins released when they’re with their pets. New data from Trinity College Dublin’s Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing found that walking your dog is proven to lead to a healthier life. One of the co-authors of the study, Professor Robert Briggs, a consultant geriatrician at St James’s Hospital in Dublin, said: “It is also likely that increased social interaction, companionship and purpose plays an important role.” Which is why the dogwalk has become the new catwalk for many fashionistas, who seize the opportunity to sport their favourite walking gear … and sometimes their pooches get in on the action too!

Vilhelmiina Huuskonen, Professor of Veterinary Medicine at UCD
I live in Phibsboro, north Dublin, and my dog Doyle and I have a few favourite daily walks. The Royal Canal and Phoenix Park are at the top of the list. For Doyle, though, walking is rarely enough. A three-hour stroll is nothing to him. He grew up with Greyhounds and seems to think he’s one of them! Running is his true passion and for a dog his size (45kg) he’s impressively fast. Only hours of running or mentally stimulating activities like mantrailing can really tire him out.
Doyle is a Hovawart, a German guard dog breed whose name means “yard-watcher.” It’s still a rare breed in Ireland, with maybe fifty nationwide. He was born to Crufts-winning parents, se’s been to a few dog shows and is now an Irish Champion.
Winter means tweed – a vintage Polo Ralph Lauren tweed jacket, hand-knitted custom-made Fair Isle sweater vest from Carol’s Craft and Design (available on Etsy), MHL by Margaret Howell cords, a denim shirt by Double RL and handmade suede shoes by Heschung, which I bought at 99b in Rathgar. My scarf’s from Kevin and Howlin, with the cap made by Hanna Hats of Donegal, leather gloves by Paula Rowan, a brown leather cross-body bag from Campomaggi’s men’s collection and a silk pocket square from Louis Copeland & Sons. Doyle’s collar and lead are from @dogsandcopetshop. @vilhelmini @dogcalleddoyle
SEE MORE: See Inside UCD Professor Vilhelmiina Huuskonen’s Wardrobe

Helen Turkington, Interior Designer
As an interior designer, people expect me to be quite precious about my interiors, but I am a huge dog person and to me a home is not a home without a dog or two sprawled on a sofa! I’m a dog mum of four: two Bassets, a Daschund and the newest member of our family, a foster from Wicklow Animal Welfare who is full of energy, much to the disgust of my lazy Bassets! I try to get out once a day when I’m not travelling. Luckily, where I live in Kilternan there are lots of gorgeous country walks. As with my interiors, I prize comfort and functionality with my walking clothes as much as aesthetics, but I always wrap up in Rae Feather cashmere. I wouldn’t be without my trusted Oysho weatherproof jacket, Rains bucket hat and Hunter wellies. @helenturkingtondesign
SEE MORE: Look Around Helen Turkington’s Dream Garden And Pool In Dublin

Helen Murphy, Content Creator
My two-year-old dogs are brother and sister Labradoodles. We got them from a friend in Waterford who has Baharaki Labradoodles after we lost our Pomeranian after a wonderful 17 years together. We were utterly heartbroken, but along came these total rapscallions to fill the hole in our hearts. They absolutely love water, so a lot of our walks are on or near beaches or rivers. When we are in West Cork, we love morning walks on the dunes around Barleycove where they can really stretch their legs. We usually finish up with a sandy run and wriggle on the beach if it’s quiet. In Cork, we’ve two favourite places: a lovely walk with mucky trails and water in the Mangala wooded area or the Marina Promenade that just reopened. It stretches from Shandon Rowing Club to Blackrock village and is well lit with plenty of amenities along the bank of the River Lee. It’s become a real social doggy walking spot and I nearly know more dogs’ names than owners at this stage! Cortado is a fantastic dog-friendly open-air café for a well earned coffee and they have fresh water bowls for the dogs too.
I’m crushing on Claudia Winkleman’s outfits in The Traitors lately and have been wearing my take on that – jeans from M&S, a Landskein coat from Bluefig Boutique and Marco Moreo boots. My hat and fingerless gloves are from Penneys, and my sunglasses are from Oliver Bonas. @daily_divadiary
SEE MORE: Tales From My Wardrobe – Helen Murphy

Fiona Fagan, Stylist
I share my Cavachon with my parents. When she stays with me in Monkstown, our favourite walks are to the pier at Seapoint when the tide is out, or our local park. At home, we often stroll through Glasnevin cemetery. I normally wear something like a Zara cropped polo, JW Anderson jeans, vintage fur coat and 20-year-old Louis Vuitton bag, which I recently upcycled by adding a crossbody strap. It feels like a new bag now and is perfect for carrying doggy treats. My pup is wearing a scarf my 7-year-old niece knitted for her, which I think gives a Bob Dylan vibe! @fionafaganstylist

Laura Jayne Halton, Designer and Illustrator
My two boys are brothers, but so different in looks and personality. At just over a year old, they’re full of devilment: boundless energy and curiosity. They are the best of friends.
They’re great for getting me out for walks, even when the weather is less than appealing. I have no excuse with these two. I need a good coat and gloves, like my Palto coat from Italy and burgundy leather gloves, lined with toasty cashmere – a beautiful gift from a friend. A handbag is essential for treats (for me and the dogs!), so an APC crossbody bag is ideal for walks. We usually do a nice loop of the grounds at Carton House and they love their trips to East Clare, which is where they (and my husband) are originally from. Walks by Lough Derg on a fresh day is a perfect way to spend an afternoon. @laurajaynehaltondesign

Erica Bracken, Yoga Teacher
I live in Lisbon with my three-year-old Chihuahua Jack Russell mix. We’re right in the heart of the city spoiled with sunshine, leafy parks and charming streetscapes on our daily walks. Our favourite haunt is the Jardim da Estrela.
We’ve built quite the bandana collection – most picked up from vintage and thrift stores around Lisbon. More often than not, the bandana of the day is chosen to match my outfit! It’s become a little ritual for us and she gets so excited when she sees her bandanas come out because she knows it means we’re heading out for a walk. Adding a pop of colour or playful print suits her vibrant personality, making our daily outings feel even more special. @erica_bracken
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