Meet these glossy dogs and find out about their daily routines, Christmas plans and grooming habits from their besotted owners
Cooper Coffey
Cooper wakes up at 7am on the button, seven days a week. He waits at the bottom of the stairs until he hears the rustle of my coat. Then it’s down to Dun Laoghaire pier to get his 10k steps in and home for a large bowl of Burns nuts. He’s had his pre-Christmas groom at Sandycove Veterinary Clinic; It didn’t last long as he loves to swim, given the chance, in Scotsman’s Bay. He is just turning one-and-a-half years old and is getting so big. I would not be able to walk him without his Halti head collar. His favourite treat, apart from a swim, is to go for a spin in the car with his head out the window. He waits patiently in the car as I do the shopping.

Dolly Cowan
Our Dolly really does live up to her namesake – petite, sassy and loves a good tune! Sing to her or play her any high-pitched song and she will throw her head back and howl along, much to everyone’s amusement. Growing up beside the beach in Donegal, Dolly is happiest when chasing birds through the sand dunes and jumping in and out of the waves. Back on the sofa she loves a cuddle and belly rub, refusing to respect any level of personal space. In our home, December is our favourite time of year – lots of decorations, festivities and time with friends and family. To Dolly, it’s simply Christmas ham season and from the moment that glistening gammon exits the oven on Christmas Eve, it acquires its very own four- legged, 24 hour surveillance team.

Sadie & Cooper O’Dwyer
This little twosome is full of joy and mischief, from the time Cooper comes into our room for our wake-up call between 7am and 7:30am (seven days a week!), they are running the show. A spin around the garden and some breakfast in their bellies, it’s time for them to follow me around the house, Sadie intent on catching my eye every chance she gets until we finally utter their favourite phrase, “do you want to go to the beach?” They do. If you want to know what pure joy looks like head to Dollymount Strand in the morning to see Cooper’s happy head bouncing through the dunes with Sadie hot on his heels. Exercise done, we’d usually stroll to the Host & Co office on South William Street for a busy day with a lunchtime break in Stephen’s Green but as we’re back working from home, these two lovebirds generally cuddle up on the sofa or more likely our bed for a long day of snoozing punctuated by zoomies in the garden, lengthy games of chase around the house, lots and lots of “bitey” face and being told just how wonderful they are by their two WFH buddies. It’s Cooper’s first Christmas with us so we’re looking forward to spoiling him rotten, spending long days by the fire and hoping he doesn’t do to the tree what he does to our shoes when he’s left to his own devices!

Tilly Halliwell
Grooming Tilly is no mean feat. We have heard of dog-owners installing special “dog baths” for this job, but our version involves waterproofs and the garden hose – very messy, very noisy. So fair play to Rachel’s ClipnTails ( who not only managed her bouncy and supremely stubborn behaviour, but also sent her home gleaming and glossy on the one occasion we stumped up for a pro ‘do. I now think of Rachel as the Dylan Bradshaw of dogs. Inevitably, though, Tilly jumped straight into the sea the next day. I also spray her with Kiehl’s dog shampoo, but you need a serious amount to make a difference.

Barney Hickey
Barney never misses a sunrise. Alerting the whole house to the dawn of a new day, he will harrumph until one of his bleary-eyed owners lets him dart out to the garden, where he greets crows, pigeons and rogue house cats alike with a low woof. He returns to plenty of breakfast – like most dogs he’s spoiled, and is fed lovely kibble from local pet grocer Barking Mad.
He’s fond of cuddles and likes to hop into the crook of his owners’ arms as they sit in the kitchen armchair with a coffee to read the news. He has forgotten that since his puppyhood, he’s gotten a bit too big to be this much of a lapdog …
If he’s lucky, he might get a grand view of the day from the top of Ticknock, where his owner likes to stride around on crisp fresh autumn days. Otherwise, he lounges around the house seeking pets and treats from his loved ones WFH, while he loyally awaits the return of those at the office.

Ruby Pierce
Ruby is a soon to be two-year-old “Morkie” (Maltese/yorkie mix) from Co Kildare owned by Gillian Pierce, [Director of Marketing at Carton House]. She’s so excited to get home to see Granny, Grandad and her cousins in Offaly this Christmas, and more importantly see what’s under the tree for her! But until then it’s all about the long weekend walks on the grounds at her mum’s work place – where’s she’s become very popular with all the staff and locals. During the week, she has fun with her friends in doggy day-care. She’s booked in for the “Christmas-do” in mid-December so she will be looking the part for Christmas Day.

Junior Ghai
Junior joined our family in 2018 as a tiny black puppy and it was love at first sight! He absolutely loves steamed chicken, and he loves apples too. I use so much spice in Pickle, Street and Tiffin restaurants [where Sunil is founder, owner and executive chef] it’s still hard for me to give him just steamed chicken but he loves it and I’ll do anything for him. He’s such a handsome boy, with a beautifully glossy black coat. Some of his favourite things in the world are probably my wife Leena, walks with me, playing ball with my son Ishan, his elephant toy called Appu and tummy rubs, lots of tummy rubs.
Junior also loves to go for a spin in the car with me – as soon as he hears the keys, he’s by my side ready for a chance to stick his head out the window and enjoy the wind blowing through his hair. I’m really looking forward to a few days at home over Christmas with family and I know that I’ll spend most of it in my armchair with Junior sitting on my lap. Bliss!

Jamie McCormick
Seven-month-old Jamie was named after his original owner, not Jamie Dornan as many of my friends believe. He’s definitely at the mischievous puppy stage and loves chewing on sticks and slippers.
He loves a lie-in with his teddy, probably because he is as snug as a bug with a onesie, hot water bottle and sheepskin to keep his kennel cosy. After a leisurely morning, he goes for a walk around the lake at Hillsborough Forest Park on his “gentle leader” where he shows no fear when approaching much larger dogs or some of the many swans which wander the paths. Then it’s home for some treats (he has a preference for M&S chicken), cuddles, a siesta and playtime. Currently his favourite squeaky toy is Tuff Duck by Country Pets (from He’s booked in for his first “puppy groom” at the local Pets R Us just before Christmas and will be posting a picture on his Instagram account afterwards!
Need to Know: Dog Friday is an online event taking place from Friday, November 26 – Monday, November 29. It is sponsored by ProRaw Dog which was founded by Heidi Maskelyne upon finding out that the kibble she had fed her dogs may have contributed to the cancers with which they were diagnosed. She subsequently launched the raw dog food-driven business. To find out about tickets, the virtual events and how to enter your dog for the online show and Ultimutt Mega Draw, visit
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