If you’re a fashion lover and in need of a little pick me up, you can find comfort and joy via a little online retail therapy
Featured Image; Loewe.
From running around after work to deal with endless shopping lists, to facing this ice-cold weather pre-Christmas holidays, December can be a tough month to get through. If you’re a fashion lover and in need of a little pick me up, you can find comfort and joy via a little online retail therapy from some of our favourite Irish boutiques. Sometimes, even a pretty pair of earrings can brighten up your day. Here’s our edit from around the country …

Lilac Slazia lurex socks, Isabel Marant, €55, at Electra; www.electra.ie @electra_dublin.

Tortoiseshell Hoop Earrings, Alexandrine, €75, at Costume; www.costumedublin.ie @costumedublin.

Leopard-print Henry wallet with coin compartments, Jerome Dreyfuss, €160, at Samui; www.samuicork.com @samuicork.

Black Jeremy baseball cap, Anine Bing, €70, at Gallery 9;www.gallery9.ie @gallery_9_concept_store.

Ashanti Beatle pendant earrings, Essentiel Antwerp, €65, at Anastasia; www.anastasiashop.com. @anastasiadublin.

Black Superfine wool beanie, Golden Goose, €99, at Les Jumelles; www.studio.lesjumelles.ie. @lesjumellesgalway.

1970s GloMesh vintage handbag, €45.50, at Om Diva; www.omdivaboutique.com @omdivaboutique.

Dark green and black stripped belt with heart buckle, Essentiel Antwerp, €76, at Kimono; www.kimono.ie @kimonoboutique.