This deliciously light buttermilk sponge cake is easy to make and perfect for any occasion…
“I went back to the UK to visit my sisters and made this cake. This is a great sponge cake recipe that I make often, along with the “any cake cake” from my cookbook. I change the filling depending on the season. I found a huge bush of the most perfect-looking blackberries, so I filled the inside with them, but any berry would be great. I’ve also made this in winter with torn figs inside or even jams. I usually fill my cakes with a fool rather than straight cream for lightness. The fool is great on its own too served with biscuits, try my shortbread recipe. If you can’t find buttermilk, replace it with 100ml double cream and 50ml milk.” @kittycoles

150ml buttermilk
3 whole eggs, plus 2 egg yolks
240g plain flour
3 tsps baking powder
Small pinch of flaky sea salt
200g soft unsalted butter
240g caster sugar (plus extra for the top)
Icing sugar For the filling
2 tbsps of caster sugar
200g berries such as blackberries, strawberries, or raspberries (strawberries trimmed and roughly chopped)
200ml double cream
150g Greek yoghurt
1. Preheat the oven to 170°C Fan and line 2 x 20 cm cake tins.
2. Whisk together the buttermilk, whole eggs, and egg yolks, then set aside.
3. Measure the flour, baking powder, and salt into another bowl, and whisk to combine evenly and remove any lumps.
4. Cream the soft butter and sugar until light (about 1-2 minutes on medium speed with a beater).
5. While the beater is on low, add 1/4 of the egg and buttermilk mixture, followed by 1/4 of the flour mixture. Continue adding bit by bit, mixing and scraping down the bowl as you go. 6. Divide the batter between the cake tins, then sprinkle one half with caster sugar.
7. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden and bouncy to the touch then allow to cool completely.
8. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the berries and gently mash with the back of a fork so some are crushed and some left whole. Set aside for 15-30 minutes.
9. Whisk the double cream until you have soft peaks then stir in the yoghurt.
10. Place one cake onto a serving plate.
11. Add a few spoonfuls of the blackberries to the fool and gently ripple through.
12. Dollop the fool onto one cake (like a thick layer but add as much as you want) then spoon over the rest of the berries.
13. Place the second cake on top then dust with icing sugar.
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