This Irish Skincare Brand Can Help You Live More Sustainably This Year - The Gloss Magazine

This Irish Skincare Brand Can Help You Live More Sustainably This Year

Award-winning Irish skincare brand Forager has started a new initiative, GrowAllot 2024, with which they are gifting allotment beds to ten lucky people this year so they can grow their own food …

Forager, the award-winning 100 per cent natural skincare brand that harnesses the healing power of wild Irish weeds, has teamed up with Bohernabreena Allotments to gift ten allotment beds to ten lucky people with their new initiative, GrowAllot 2024.

Forager is run by resident Ireland AM forager Feebee Foran, who can’t say enough about the benefits of growing your own food in your own allotment. With this initiative, you can win an allotment with Bohernabreena for growing season 2024 in the stunning surroundings of the Dublin Mountains, with Feebee Foran as your allotment coach. You will join a supportive and social community who are also learning to grow their own food. Right now the waiting list to get an allotment in Dublin is four years, with demand just as high across the country, so this opportunity is a big one.

Here are just some of the benefits of owning your own allotment:

-Live more sustainably
-Cultivate and grow your own food
-Benefit your mental health
-Helps you to connect with nature
-Learn, or teach kids where their food comes from
-To be part of a special community of like-minded people

Over the coming months, Feebee and Sika will mentor the winners on their journey and guide them through their grow adventure. From growing to harvesting, Feebee will teach you skills you will have for life. If you’re a lucky winner you will receive seeds, growing and educational support from Feebee and Sika, and document your learnings and experience on social media.

Need to know: Applications close on March 31st. To apply go to and fill out the application form. For further information follow


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