Seeing Green: Art Inspiration For St Patrick's Day - The Gloss Magazine

Seeing Green: Art Inspiration For St Patrick’s Day

Contemporary Irish artists to inspire you …

Footbridge and Willow by Donald Teskey is part of his new exhibition “A Wave from the Hill” which opens at the Claremorris Gallery, Co Mayo on March 22 to April 19. @claremorris_gallery @donald_teskey

The Quiet Sanctuary by Clemence Prosen is part of “The 4 Seasons” exhibition at the Red Stables, St Anne’s Park until March 31. @prosen_artist

Sepals by Tom Climent is part of the first Art Evolve Fair at the RDS, bringing together 70 galleries under one roof in April. @tomcliment

The Caravan, Slieve Bloom Mountains by David Fox oil on canvas will also feature at the Art Evolve Fair. @foxdave_artist

The Virgin of Éire by Mainie Jellett, completed in the 1940s, is part of the upcoming exhibition “Mainie Jellett and Evie Hone. The Art of Friendship” which opens on April 10 at The National Gallery of Ireland. @nationalgalleryofireland

Little Forest by Nickie Hayden is part of her new solo exhibition “Symbols of Revival” to open on April 13 at Olivier Cornet Gallery. @olivier_cornet_gallery @nickie_hayden

My Giverny – the life of a pond by Paul Hughes is currently on view as part of “European Modern Landscapes” at The Nicolas Auvray Gallery in New York. His solo exhibition “I am here & I am unwaiting” is also at The Irish Arts Center. @paulhughesgee

SEE MORE: Artistic License – Paul Hughes

Venus by Lee Welch is a reimagining of the Medici Venus with Man Ray-inspired surrealist subversion; its brushstrokes unraveling classical beauty into a raw meditation. @_leewelch_

On the Road to Yala (Little Green Beeater) by Martin Gale reflects his meticulous style and subject matter – often isolated figures dislocated from their surroundings. @taylorgalleries

Across the April Hill by Helen Ackham is typical of her work, which celebrates the beauty of cottages, Scottish bothies and historic buildings.

Tracks After Harvest by Kate Reagan is typical of her landscapes, often inspired by her home county of Monaghan. Also at @thedoorwaygallery

Midsummer’s Eve is part of a lake series by Cormac O’Leary, also at @thedoorwaygallery @cafoleary

Fig by Philip Moss, is an oil on canvas, at The Molesworth Gallery. @molesworthgallery @philipmossart

Spring Trees by Ed Milano.

Balance by Stephen Lawlor is also at @sofinearteditions

SEE MORE: Fabulous Floral Artworks To Herald Springtime

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