Now in its seventh year, Poetry Day Ireland takes place on Thursday April 29. It is a day-long celebration of the crafted word, spoken and written, and is presented by Poetry Ireland in partnership with poetry lovers the length and breadth of the country …
The theme of this year’s Poetry Day Ireland “New Directions: Maps and Journeys” is both literal and metaphorical. Niamh O’Donnell, Director of Poetry Ireland, explains: “We use maps to orientate ourselves in the world, to show us where we’ve come from and which new direction we’re heading in. This year’s theme is a hopeful one as we can review the paths we’ve taken and we can finally look forward to being able to plan travelling further afield again, in reality or in our imaginations.”?
In line with current restrictions, everyone is encouraged to take part in this year’s celebrations online from the safety of their own home. There’s a full programme of online events including the following:

Write your own poem. “Placing Poems” is a chance for you to write about new and imagined journeys which are not restricted by any real or imagined parameters. From visiting a new bakery to sailing to Gola Island, write about any journey, no matter how elaborate or small. All contributions will be combined to create a poetic cartography of anticipated adventures.
Be inspired by international writers. As part of “Path to the Poem” six Irish and international writers will share selected poems and the stories behind a memory or journey that resonated with each of them. Those participating include Niceol Blue, Peter Chand, Nuala Hayes, Charles Leggett, Órla Mc Govern and Liz Weir.
Follow Poetry Ireland on Instagram where you will find the theme of armchair travelling reflected in a selection of poems posted over the last week. On its website you can also read, download, print and keep Pocket Poems too.
Listen to “One Step at a Time” – a collaboration between The Gaiety School of Acting and Poetry Ireland – it’s a collection of playlists featuring poems and spoken word recited by professional actors and curated to enhance your daily walks. The playlists will be available to access on Spotify from April 29 for a limited time.
Find out who will be winner of the prestigious Moth Poetry Prize. Announced on Instagram Live.@poetryireland at 6pm, the winner will receive €6,000.
Read. Mark the day in your own way in your own social bubble; take five minutes to sit and enjoy a poem by yourself. Don’t forget to post a picture using the hashtag #PoetryDayIRL. Full programme details can be found at
Main featured image: Poetry Lighting Up the Dark: Elizabeth Mohen and Eoin Rogers pictured as Poetry Ireland launched the programme, photography by Mark Stedman.
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