5 Menus That Will Banish The January Blues - The Gloss Magazine

5 Menus That Will Banish The January Blues

January can be a bit of a pill, so when it comes to the bright light that is dining out, I’m all in. In an effort to escape the January blues, here are some vibrant menus that won’t be the ruination of your bank account …

Mongolian Barbeque, Dublin 2

Consistency in a world gone mad is the best way to describe a visit to Mongolian Barbeque. With an all-you-can-eat lunch at just €17.90, and all-you-can-eat dinner from just €19.90 for the early bird menu (€22.50 for non-early bird dinner) you would be hard pressed to find a better value meal in Dublin city. Choose what you fancy from the selection of fresh vegetables, meat, seafood and pulses, then add your choice of spices, herbs and sauce, and just watch as the magic happens. There are often midweek and student deals too. www.mongolianbbq.ie.

Featherblade, Dublin 2

“Steaks for all” is the motto at Featherblade and why shouldn’t it be? A steak sandwich will cost a mere €11.75 before 4pm while all day steaks start at €14.50 for a featherblade up to €26 for a rib eye. Sides are not included but a steak with one side and a sauce could be yours for a mere €21.50. Add a glass of wine for €7.50 and that’s a steak dinner with a glass of wine for less than €30 – though we must advise, the truffle mac and cheese is worth splashing out on too. www.featherblade.ie

Rotana City or Rotana Café, Dublin

With locations in Portobello and Parnell Street, for a casual meal out, Rotana City and Rotana Café offer incredible value. Two courses (including soft drink) of delicious Lebanese cuisine will cost you just €26.90 and you can choose from dishes such as fatoush salad or sambousek prawns to start followed by makloba chicken with aubergine, Lebanese moussaka or lamb kofta. What’s more, corkage is free as long as you commit to two courses, which is no hardship whatsoever. www.rotanacafe.ie

Spice Village, Rialto

If you are a fan of South Indian cuisine, a trip to Spice Village in Rialto will serve to satiate your craving while inflicting minimum damage to your wrung out Apple Pay. On Saturday and Sunday, the all you can eat buffet lunch is just €17.99 per person from 12pm – 3pm. This includes starters, fish, poultry and veggie options. On a recent visit, the restaurant was full of Indian families enjoying Sunday lunch together – plus there are dosa too. www.spicevillagerialto.com.

Pi, Dublin 2

Pizza doesn’t usually cost the earth and when done right, it is both satisfying and filling which is exactly what you want. It’s bang for your buck territory and it doesn’t get much better than pizza at Pi in Dublin 2. Share one or go crazy and order two, either way, an entire pizza with a glass of wine and a dip will come in around €20, and what’s more, it will be excellent. www.pipizzas.ie


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